Behind the Lens: Days 2 and 3 as a Club Photographer.



Day Two: A Prelude of Anticipation

As the sun dipped low on the horizon, signaling the end of Day Two in my club photographer escapade, a wave of tranquility seemed to sweep over the team. The day had been relatively quiet, a prelude of sorts, to the crescendo that awaited us on Day Three. Our destination was Homabay School, and the purpose was simple: a shake-off session. A chance for players to shed the weariness of travel, align their energies, and focus their minds on the impending battle that lay ahead on the morrow.

Amid the rustling leaves and the whispers of the afternoon breeze, the players put their all into this final preparation. With a determined spirit, they went through their paces, each movement a brushstroke on the canvas of victory they hoped to paint the next day. The day’s calm belied the storm that would soon descend onto the field – a tempest of passion, strategy, and relentless pursuit of glory.

Day Three: The Odyssey Unfolds

The sun had reached its zenith, casting a golden glow on our journey as Day Three unfolded with the promise of adventure. From the outskirts of Homabay town, we embarked on a journey that transcended the ordinary. It was a journey fueled by passion, lit by the spark of camaraderie, and guided by the call of the game. The clock read 1:15 pm as we bid adieu to Staridge Hotel, leaving behind its comforts for the pursuit of a different kind of comfort – the thrill of competition.

As the bus rolled on, a kaleidoscope of images flickered past the window – vibrant landscapes, bustling streets, and the pulse of a nation that beat to the rhythm of football. Our destination: Raila Odinga Stadium, Homabay. But this was no ordinary journey; it was an odyssey painted with the colors of Shabana fans – a sea of exuberance armed with vocals, drums, and a love for the game that knew no bounds. Their enthusiasm, infectious and uncontainable, spilled onto the Kisii-Rongo-Homabay Highway, causing a delightful traffic tango.

Gazza, our guide through this journey, took an intriguing detour – not for scenic beauty, but for bottled water. Eze, our bus driver, navigated the twists and turns of this unplanned adventure. And as we approached the stadium, the scene was one of organized chaos – a harmonious cacophony of fans, vehicles, and anticipation, all converging at the crossroads of football.

The entrance was a dance of humanity, with fans, stewards, and team buses vying for space, like actors on a grand stage. Shabana awaited our arrival, and the ticking clock seemed to mimic the drumbeats of excitement that echoed in the air. Finally, at 1:52 pm, the locker rooms embraced us, players, fans, and the entourage of football dreamweavers.

Stepping onto the threshold of the arena, I captured the essence of anticipation – the moments before battle, when adrenaline intertwines with destiny. From the terrace of Raila Odinga Stadium, I stole frames of the VIP area, a space soon to be adorned by legends and luminaries of the sport. The players, a living testament to determination, took their positions, and my lens captured the dance of preparation – the stretching, the warm-ups, the rituals that make victory more tangible.

And then they emerged, resolute and ready. Action shots etched their determination into each frame as they embraced the field. But alas, my camera, a reluctant partner in this dance, chose this moment to bow out, leaving me with nothing but a digital sigh. Nevertheless, the game would be captured, the moments sealed in memory, the narrative etched into history.

The match unfurled with the gravity of debutants locking horns – Murang’a Seal and Shabana, both newcomers to the grand stage. The stakes were high, the spirits higher. And as the final moments loomed, Batts Awita stepped out of the shadows and into the limelight, etching his name into the tale with a goal that rippled the net in the 91st minute. Seal had spoken – a debut drenched in triumph.

Gabriel Nguruge, the mastermind behind the triumph, spoke with a quiet confidence, as if the victory were a brushstroke in the grand masterpiece of his vision. With each word, he painted a picture of sweat, strategy, and the unwavering belief in the power of hard work. Seal joined the ranks of Tusker and Nzoia Sugar, the triumphant trio of the opening weekend, perched atop the leaderboard with three points and a world of ambition.

As the drizzle descended, the Shabana fans who had journeyed to bear witness to their team’s quest began to disperse. Rainclouds mirrored the gathering emotion – a blend of disappointment and hope that swirled in the humid air. The match had ended, but the story of the day had just begun to take shape.

Our journey back commenced, punctuated by the flavors of Kisii – a reminder that every journey, no matter how epic, is fueled by sustenance. With Narok as our next waypoint, the midnight hour found us traversing the shadows of a slumbering landscape, the road ahead an uncharted narrative waiting to be written.

As we neared Nairobi, the road held a tale of its own – a traffic snarl born of tragedy, a collision of speed and innocence. The night sky bore witness to the chaos, as a lorry hurled itself towards us, a nightmare in motion. A dash for safety, a heartbeat suspended in time, a collision averted – it was a split-second dance of life and death, a reminder that journeys are fragile, destinies fleeting.

And so, as the night embraced us with its inky fingers, we carried the weight of a day’s victories and near-misses. In the dim light of our reflection, we realized that a match is more than what happens on the field; it’s the mosaic of moments that define the journey. From the shake-off session to the chaos of the stadium entrance, from the team’s determined warm-ups to the final whistle’s echo, from triumph on the pitch to the near-tragedy on the road – each fragment stitched itself into the fabric of our experience.

The odyssey continues, the road unfurls, and as I stow away my camera, I carry with me a gallery of memories, a journal of emotions, and the unquenchable thirst for the stories that lie ahead. For as a club photographer, my lens isn’t just a tool; it’s a vessel that captures the spirit of a journey, the heartbeats of passion, and the vivid colors of the beautiful game.

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Samwel Ogor is a Nairobi photographer with a passion for telling visual stories offering services in Kenya, Africa and beyond. We specialize in sports, event coverage, commercial, editorial and documentary photography.

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